Some peeps have this in mind. Nak further tapi comfortable with the current job. Some might thnk of part time master too. Bagus sebenarnye having the thought of further study.
Last year when i started working permanent sbgai QS memang dah tanam dalam hati cukup setahun keje i'll persue my master. I dont care, masa tu sebenarnye sambung sebab nak lari bidang .
QS ni ok kalau dapat team, officemate and company yg ok. But u'll get overly attached with work loads and extreamly busy sampai nak hang out pun kena postponed or cancel, nak attend wedding kawan pun kena pikir banyak2 kali sebab busy dia sampai u dont know what's happening around ur social life. kesian kan. tanggung jawab. jihad pekerjaan hahaha . jihad la sangat.
Keje tak smpai setahun jangung kadang boss anggap kita dah 10 tahun keje , ntah macam2 benda berat yg kena pikir, smpai otak x mampu pikir, bahu rabak gila x mampu nak tanggung. stress dia sampai asyik nangis kat tuhan je mintak kekuatan. Kadang jantung laju je bedegup sebab deadline, nak bangun susah sbb terlalu stress body pun tekejut dan muscle smua tegang rasa macam batu besar hempap kat badan. serious. Ada satu time feel stress and anxiety smpai rasa mcm nak muntah. Gila masa tu xpenah jd tapi constantly rasa nak muntah. Rupanya stress.
By that time I already applied for Master in coursework kat local uni. either boss bagi atau tak i will apply one year unpaid leave. alhamdulillah Tuhan permudahkan, UM terima and boss pun bagi cuti.
kalau full time study cuma busy time one month before nak submit assignment and exam. Kalau x start thesis lagi. Pilih la uni yang betul with a good lecturer. Alhamdulillah I was granted with experienced lecturer. Setiap kelas dia best, flexible , dia ajar utk pikir secara critical and deep sebagai project manager. Mostly classmates kakak2 yang muda sebaya boleh kira sbb most of them still work or dah keje few years than gov bagi cuti gaji jalan.
what i've gain while furthering my master?
1. Friends. yang sincere compared to works.
2.Thinking and alot of thinking. Kadang keje kita repeat benda sama otak tak berpikir secara creative
3.I learn to appreciate human values. my human values died while working. jiwa boleh mati sebab orang sekeliling yg terlalu duniawi, selfish dan kapitalis
4. I want get away from negativity and get closer to inspiring people
5.Menjadi matang and belajar untuk tidak menjadi kejam
6.I once partiming and when i go to class i feel alive like a human, i have different world
7. I met new people of different company and background as classmates
8.I laugh more than i able to compared dengan keje.
9.I feel happy and tak rigidkan otak kat apa kerja yg kita penah buat
10. Master in Project Management is better than MBA in my thought cuz we learn on how to handle people and being a good leader.
11.I dont want to stop learning
12. I want to being human and keep trying to find positivity even if i get back to works.
13. I dont freaking care those selfish people in working world.
14.U'll appreciate ur student life more.
15. Ur degree is wide and general. Narrow it down, learn something out of your field to understand how others think. Its fun. I'm no longer see thing at QS eyes and mind. I can also see it from project manager point of view.
16.U'll read a lot of what other expert view. Kajian yg kita anggap simple tapi ada sumbangan dari diorg. nice
17. Put in ur heart gaining one level up in study bukan untuk show off but u'll being more humble bcz u able to put urself in other's shoes.
18.Senang nak plot lari bidang haha(my first intention tho haha)
19.sakit study dengan sakit kerja lain. sakit kerja, sakit gila. i kenot decribe the pain. it hurts , deep and it left me wounded scars.
20.Lecturer allow us to think openly and relate to real working experience. takde nak hafal2 notes. hafal points pahamkan and karang ur essay. Lagi out of the box lagi the marks is there. there's no rigid right and wrong answer. Ur opinion is ur opinion . Plus lecturer xskema.
Those who have thought on study, study la for knowledge. U'll gain a lot. U'll appreciate life, u'll meet many sincere people dan jiwa takkan mati. If i am going to work, i'm a bit wiser than previous. I want to happily work sebagai khalifah Allah and ignore those people yg try to benefit things from me. I dont compete with life, i just wish that Allah will grant me keikhlasan, little happiness and allow me to make people happy. Biar Tuhan je protect my heart from being hurt and i'm not opening up to stranger anymore. Macam tu lagi happy :D
Selagi ada interest untuk sambung selagi ada MyBrain sambung la. I salute kakak2 yg ada anak , umur dah 40+ jawatan dah bos kot tapi still ada rasa nak sambung.
2 more semester to end my study. May Allah ease everything. Rabbi yassir wala tuassir, rabbi tamim bi kheir.
Assalam Fee, all the best with your master studies :) The experience that you gain from postgrad studies memang tak dapat nak diperolehi di mana2, not even workplace. The higher the education level that you can reach (masters), the much more wiser you become (bcoz you dah banyak faham and berfikir dlm your bidang). Continue to climb higher ;)
thanks kak ruz!
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