
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 wishes :)

Salam. Hapy 2016 even a few days late.
Been busy with final exam and now i'm free :)

Alhamdulillah, for this year i do not have any fancy dreams.
I wish to finish off my study dengan jaya nya and smoothly. Insya Allah.

I want my family to always been under Allah's blessing, happy, murah rezeki dan dapat rezeki yang di berkati.

As for me, I've getting what i had wishes for last year and previous years.
The previous Allah had taught me a lot about life and growing which is not easy.
He taught me about humanity , kindness from others, being strong, cry and tears, relying on Him during the most weak day, time, sabr , emotion.
It had been one meaningful journey of 2015.

Allah taught me that getting His blessing and asking for the doa of asking Him to give what good for us is better than asking what we want. He grant me what I want, it turned out that what I want is not good for me, and He knows and I learnt. Allah already told us in (2.286).

I learnt  that "Happiness is a choice" . Kita ubah nasib kita sendiri takda kaum yang boleh tolong ubah nasib kita.

Expect less and there u go.

This year i'm not into getting more monetary richer or want to buy a superb car or house yet. Marriage? not in 2016 or 2017 haha. I'm still happily want to be around my parent and family and being clingy and i dont care my age. hahah

I still wanted to improve my relationship with the Almighty, with parent and family, more wiser and matured in controlling my emotion. Insya Allah. Amin.

May all of us getting Allah blessing this year. Not chasing the dunia, career etc.

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