
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

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Its been awhile. i'm writing my daily rant on twitter instead of long writing here. I have different personal space where i didnt surround w people that know me. I dont need to see people update every second and i dont need to update anything to impress people as well. Life is just between myself and Allah. Space where i get to heal in secret, i get to energized and being more sane.

Adulthood taught me that urself matter. Giving without hoping anything in return.
Jadi ikhlas, buangkan toxic dan negativity, choose wisely. Roh kita kenal apa yang menyenangkan, apa yang menenangkan dan jauhi diri dari yang menyakitkan.
Hidup adalah dari Allah dan kepada Allah. Kita dah berjanji dan bersetuju di Alam Roh terhadap apa Allah beri di Alam Dunia. If we didnt agree we wont be here. Kita tak akan ditiupkan di Alam Rahim. amazing right?

There are so many thing happening around to the environment and surrounding. i dont have exactly important things to say but just wanted to say Alhamdulillah. Whatever that happen in life, good or bad, nikmat atau dugaan....alhamdulillah. Allah is shaping me to be wiser, to be closer to Him, to be more thankful each day.

when we see others less fortunate, we will thank Allah for what He had grant us. We wont question apa yang kita tak ada, we wont regret what are our journey now, bt we are accepting with an open heart. we get more detached with the world and be more prepared to meet The Almighty.

May we have a good end, really good end and place in Jannah. amin.

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