
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Breathing but not humanly alive.

That's describe my past few months since April.
Too busy building up a career? maybe. 
the first 2 years building up the base that will be tough a lot of pain which equal with happiness
since start working I have put in my heart not to make any moments with people but along my life journey dalam dunia kerja ni, i kept on meeting people who keep on making memories together . 

i thought i start alone somewhere new would be peace just kerja and hang around dalam office, but i cant run from those memories. Cold hearted and garang people tone down around me. I feel those kindness from them. The more i run and i dont stand alone not wanting people to taking care of me, lagi banyak care i get . I'm hard to handle seriously. I'm not open up my personal life or what i did in life afterworks to those in the office or to those people i just know. Tapi rupanya dalam dunia ni, no matter how hard you are, there's always people that Allah grant around us to know and being kind to us without asking. Alhamdulillah. Qila kata kita x boleh lari dari moment and memories , it will always exist. I thought i have killed and cut of my hati in building up memories, but Allah said cannot and He tested me. 

well some life lesson i learnt in this 2015. Allah had created the path for me to grow, I want to persue something, but i'm still waiting for the opportunity and blessing from the Almighty on what i want to persue this 2015. I'm slowly growing in career and take it as knowledge to learn. 

My senior had left me and i can slowly breathe, those burden i carry previous month telah slowly Tuhan angkat :D . I never thought it would be hard to say goodbye to him. Even garang, kejam tapi dia sengal suka kacau2 and i've felt normal working with him. Sifu even he didnt taught me alot tapi i have basic infrastructure knowledge from him. 

till then i have to continue my pricing for tender. if boleh bernafas lagi i will post up my Bali journey here. 

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