
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 2014' :)

hapy month! The curve had pretty charm christmas market!
strolling alone, smiling, weird but i'm initially hapy to see those christmas deco !

Previous night, cik nab ada share, when we ask Allah for the strength , He will indeed give us strength but after He test us with something that will make us stronger. Now i understand what I undergo, I ask Allah to jaga hati dan perasaan. Help me hold my heart and feelings. He did take good care of my heart after He test me with my own feelings. The early stage of trusting Allah with His plan and letting go my own feeling is indeed tough but i keep asking Him to heal me, ask Him to make those heartache fade away and to make me hapy and deeply in love with Allah. 
Alhamdulillah slowly i am better. Never stop moving forward . Painful but time will heal. Now i know where i stand, my feeling is there but I'm stronger and braver in taking a step to let go :)

I'm born stubborn.When i want something,indeed i really  want it! 
but this time around i'm not fighting for my own feeling physically, I let Allah help me with those feels. Now i'm back normal, happier appreciating every single things i must face. This is the true happiness that i've been asking from Him. I dont want any thing worldy, I learn to put Dunia in my hands instead of put it in my heart. Feeling Alhamdulillah. 

2015, insya Allah will try my best to love Allah more than anything i had. backpacking and one more important step to takes. Allow me ya Allah. amin. 

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