
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September choppin will end :)

Salam, helo :)

Start of my September differently. It difficult earlier but then it turn out better slowly. Alhamdulillah.
I getting by my real pace, my real self who will keep chasing on my dream. Sometimes when u think u have take the wrong path that is actually not wrong, it will insya Allah leads u to the right. More certain and more yakin on what i want.

At least i know, my heart not fully harden. There some soft part which i cannot describe how but Allah help to strengthen it. I will collapse if Allah didnt help me. Seriously. 
I've met my twin flame s'mate. Tapi wrong timing la, wrong person i must say, so my attachment is not based on physical attraction but its because of the similarities and some chemistry. Can i have another twin flame soulmate ? yang real ? yang tuhan pilih later? haha

I'm glad my supervisor's heart dah ok , she smile always, she speak in a good tone, she even say thank and she said i'm kindergarten QS. haha baguslah at least she knows that she cannot expect much on me at this early stage. i'm still learning everything. So she tak stingy in explain thing Alhamdulillah. and i'm enjoying the yoga class. cepatlah gaji, i'm planning to add more busyness this coming october. ehhehe.

busy october await me. heh :)

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