
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hiking at Bukit Jugra.


Sudden plan, tiba-tiba naik Bukit Jugra. Last time naik Broga in 2012 pancit. Bukit Jugra hiking trail take like half an hour climb up and half an hour climb down. Simple trail but for those who had retired from hiking like us memang a bit temengah-mengah lah. Simple trail for beginner, tapi simple2 pun dont take it easy when it comes to hike. 

We under estimate , actually I've climbed up Bukit Jugra ni when i'm standard 5 which is 12 years ago by using  different route. Gunung Berinchang Cameron Highland when i'm Form 2 and my highest achievement of hiking is Pine Tree Hill, raser Hill when i'm form 3. Those past experience actually had taught me to use grip hiking shoes, bring chocolate untuk faster energy supplied selain mineral water. Tapi on the day we want to climb Buikt Jugra we didnt bring chocolate and slumber je naik pkai running shoes.  

 We climbed up at 5.30PM. The trail below dah di cantikkan. Many peeps yang dah biasa naik dah provide tali for certain area. So it ease those yang having difficulties in climbing. Based on past difficult trails i've gone through, takde tali pun, but we have to depend fully on daun2 pokor, akar for support. Grip shoes is important. Kalau tak mmg confirm tegelincir even trail kering. 

Kaka puasa, so baru 1/3 journey climb tu dah takleh nak teruskan, we have one man dalam group, so he teman kaka turun safely. Thn ktorg slowly climb up, Qila pulak mcm pancit lepas tu, then we take it slowly , naik chill2. By that time dah 6.45pm . Brother yang naik sama ngan ktorg dah otw turun and one uncle yg pass by us kata "Dah lambat ni" . Ktorg cam chill lagi tunggu the only man in our group naik. Laju jugak mamat ni dah catch up ktorg. 

 Slowly climbed up while catching up some breathe. 
Lama tak hiking , tak jogging tak swimming tiba2 hiking -___-  . 

Ezzanie dah pesan, dont expect much on the top! tadaaaa ni la puncak dia. Atas sana ada askar jaga area helipad. Takleh nak naik, kang kena tangkap sbb jadi intruders. 

 Thankyou selftimer :)

Happily climbed down. Jalan-jalan then ezzanie kata , "eh ni macam jalan lain". Ktorg rilex lagi, pastu cam teruskan je lah, confident much. Jauh gak ktorg turun tak sampai2. Tengok jam around 7.02PM dah. Nasib atas tu ada line . Then ezzanie suggest ktorg naik balik ikut trail yg betul, sbb he himself couldnt find the way down, difficult trail down and way longer. Ktorg memang temengah2, tak bawak torchlight, ranting jatuh tetibe, gelap2 tu. Takut tu tak tapi mengah tu ye sbb dah lebih sejam kat atas. Muscle pun dah startd nak sore, everytime tak larat mmg diorg smua stop, azan pun ktorg stop jap. Kaka kata kalau azan jangan berjalan, sbb nnt ada gangguan yang tutup mata. Memang masa tu penat gila and nab suggest baca al-fatihah and ayat kursi. Semoga Allah terangkan jalan . Terkumat kamit mulut tak berhenti baca, the strength yg Allah bagi when we depends on Him is amazing much. Believe that He will bring me to the right path . Alhamdulillah around 8pm we find the right track back down. Running shoes memang slippery boleh kira berapa kali slip down macam gelongsor. 

Selamat turun and sempat maghrib kat masjid bawah bukit jugra. Kaka panic dia dah bgtau pakcik surau ktorg stuck kat atas, nasib pakcik tu tak bawak geng naik lagi , kalau x masuk headline paper ktorg. Masa nak sampai bawah dah hujan pulak. tapi sikit je. Seriously the same experience we had macam kat pine tree hill. hmmmm berangan nak naik Kinabalu ye, boleh tapi kena train hard la. 
Thanks Allah selamatkan ktorg naik dan turun :).

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