
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November ; Life is progressing well.

Salam and guten tag November! :D

Bila kat office there's so many things in mind and eager to write, bila depan laptop macam blank. So many interesting things, adventurous good things happened and i dont know how to put into words. Feeling Alhamdulillah :).
Came across with word "When moving forward is better than the past" i can't wait to move forward. :)
Not cling to anything i'm free kid! :D tehee .Roughly plan my journey.

Last time i just took my lecturer's word not so serious. She keep on tell us, jangan lupa register ye! By that time i have no idea and tak penting pun kot jadi registered surveyor. While interning pun i still dont want it. Just pikir untuk further study with half heart. But when i hijrah to different place, berkobar2 hati nak chase future, i wanna be somebody not for anyone just for myself . To prove that if others can , why dont i? aite? Rasa bangga our name displayed dekat Board of QS Msia as Registered Graduate QS.
Even in our religion encourage us to learn and keep learning till the end, add up skills and stuff. There u go! insya Allah kalau ada umur yg panjang i'll keep on challenging myself.

Regarding with works thingy, soon i'll jump into more important project. Its a huge opportunity to learn and feel honored to be part of it. Dangerous but i like it. Standing on the road side calculating parapet wall with the safety helmet and boots. Simply want to cross the road but then there's some peeps who care for our safety more than ourself. haha  i simply do thing and those who control me well is my mum. If she dont stop me with my dangerous thing i wanna do in life , sure sekarang dah pegi travel solo, or hitch hiking alone. What i learn in life is that, we need to learn doing things alone bcz people are all busy with their stuff too.

Busy workings still sempat join yoga at office, go to gym with housemates, keep on discussing about life with roomies. Still hunting coffee every weekend and yesterday baru catch up with ex-colleague. My shy-est tablemate, i took one month to make him talking to me. Bila chat pasal football baru he wanna open up. Bila dah kenal dia punya jahat -___- haha, keep on kacau-ing me.

 Its a very short time we work together but bcz of that i get the opportunity to take over his task and learn more. Your BM better now and your knowledge about islam quite impress me. You know the definition Alhamdulillah and Insya Allah. Even now know "solat" words, "aurat". See what life did to people, they keep growing. Good luck perhaps if we're lucky and fated we will work with each other again. I value all my frenship. I'll keep those people i want to keep.

As for now my priority is my happiness, increase my love to my Creator, my family and frens, my learning curve, backpacking and coffee! :D Temporarily i dont want unnecessary attachments.

Be good november. Dont choppin'!

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