
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April peak week.

Any semester mesti ada peak week which u cannot brain things that happen. unpredictable things happened too fast. one week before pun dh full of good n bad news. this week is another tough week for me to handle. either emotionally, physically and financially. haih.

but positively Allah is testing me. He wants me to speak to Him, rely upon Him and ask Him to make me a tougher person than before. biasa la human. I dont do any wrong to people but its fated that people crashed my car. Dalam works, endless editing took me like hours and days to complete one task. did i work too slow?

In the same week i need to prepare for my interview. another emotionally things i dont have time to prepare. tak sempat nak pikir. My mind was occupied with unfinished work which under my responsibility but i dont know how to add speed up. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa in the end mesti boleh settle gak insya Allah.

April is a good month and  yet a tough one jugak. Its not just plainly normal month like March. Last year pun sama April hectic thesis and IP and melbourne.

I hope to end this week smoothly and peacefully . and to finish my work . Kadang rasa macam nak nangis tapi xde solid reason. 2nd semester of every year is always tougher . nak lari pegi HK or Germany! i missed the life where people dont know me and care nothing about my existence and live a peaceful hapy life.

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