today gonna off common personal thingy update or any current related situtaion. Well let touch a bit of korea sparkling news.
Being not a real kpop fans makes me left out a bit in catching up korean actors,actress or singer or band names. like SERIOUSLY. Sebut la ape nama band pelik2 mmg i was like....huhh?! sape tu? with no intention to google at all. Having an ex roomate yg sgt minat korean doesnt makes me being kpoped tapi at least tau la sikit2 lagu mcm 2pm ke, suju ke .
But i watch kdrama but not all kdrama. I'm a bit picky one la and choose some depends on actor and actress, storyline and co-star muehehe. or any first two episodes yg caught my attention will simply watch till the end.
But one thing for sure, those drama are not real. Those love and affection were all on tv and screen. They are professional indeed. A girl might want to dream of having such a korean drama love story in their life but weyyyy itu sangat sangat sangat TAK REAL! dont ever dream of this to happen in ur love life.
situation 1 : A girl kena kawin paksa ngan a prince from nowhere sbb atok dia punya perjanjian?
situation 2 : A hot guy fall for clumsy girl ? -____-
situation 3 : Start with a childhood love story and end up heroin die in the end? pegi heaven ;(((
situation 4 : a girl bcome boyish cuz want to tackle the guy she love. Do you have no life?
situtaion 5 : a hero want to make a justice and wanna take reveng bcz his family end up fall in love with heroin?
It is not happening here in reality people. WAKE UP to where do u stand now!
Tapi still we cant get off from those a few days fantasy watching the drama. Kudos to korea entertainment industry as they really do a great job as those drama move people emotion sampai nangis2 haha and ermmmm some funny scene mmg lawak no doubt (Y)
So Current new drama that have been watched :-
1."the winter that wind blows" .
A lot of melodrama and serious scene but the scriptwriter wrote well and actors acted well . Sebenarnye nak tgk Kim Bum je tapi tersangkut pulak hehe. Song hye kyo & Jo in Sung deliver the character well. I'm not good in the art of acting but when they act real and tak stiff considered pass la :D so far its a good drama. Beautiful white winter scene and good background songs. i'm bad at reviewing . sorry. and my opinion is purely based on the story it self. what could i gain or learn.
2.Another drama "when a man loves"
Generally pick because i love song seung huen with his charm. Mostly his drama will give impact macam Autumn in my heart and summer scent. But personally i dont like the quarter end part of this drama. What the heck with the story yang mana a girl he love the most cheat on him. CHEAT? whatta point tiba2 nak include that kind of element . ishhh terus turn down. SSH pls choose a good drama in the future.
and rewatch old drama
Watch bcz of Jung Yong Hwa and the music based story pasal student yang blaja music. I always love this kind of piece macam the best one by Jay Chou movie title "Secret" which basically about Piano and music school. Personally adoring his band and his character on stage and voice as a lead, vocalist and guitarist. Seriously musician simply make me drown heheh. in real life. drummer, pianist or guitaris. they have a good fingers :D and they have charm and aura which u feel when u tengok them tehee
Punya lah lame dalam hal2 korea industry baru figure out yang Yong Hwa and Shin hye is actually had known each other in You're beautiful in (2009). There's a lot of fan vid and fan cam pasal diorg ni fans diorg buat. I dont believe in gossip unless i know from the person's mouth . Tapi mustahil la pulak nak pi tanya yong hwa kat korea ye dok? hihi.
So the research start for a past few days jugak la. Actually yong hwa was very comfortable with shin hye as a fren sbb kenal since YAB 2009 and those boyish character by shin hye act mungkin la make jyh see psh ni macam kawan laki dia. normal la tu.
(i) Tapiiiiiii i doubt when i watch a lot of staring on off tv video macam behind the scene. Acually JYH stare a lot at PSH. macam tenung sampai tembus. haha
A girl might not realize this for sure and JYH pun x penah mengiyakan so, when a guy didnt confess himself , a girl could do nothing . We can predict based on what we see as a fan, but we wouldnt know deep inside in people heart in reality. Lagi pun diorg ni banyak anti fans, karang si peminat seohyun gi kejar PSY pulak suruh break klau diorg announce relationship diorg. Mostly yg reveal kan relationship wont last long. tapi if kawin panjang la jodoh.
(ii) Its normal when JYH miss PSH after no more drama scene or promo. sebab both busy. Me and mar dulu indeed dalam satu hostel pun susah nak jumpa kawan sendiri apetah lagi when u're are actually doing different things at time. again its normal. and those miss feeling is again normal, i do miss my AIESEC fren for real tapi nak jumpa tu susah la. :)
(iii) Bila issue JYH bagi bunga kat PSY from behind the stage on Baek Sang Art award on 2011 and 2012. Some of them keep on saying its normal culture for them to appreciate frens. Tapi dua tahun berturut2 is soooo "Good frens". muehehe
(iv) JYH and seohyun SNSD penah di pair to act in on WGM as husband and wife. Tapi got one scene which JYH pegi call PSY pukul 2pagi untuk bgtau yg dia ngan seohyun buat lagu --'. What the? kenape PSY ? why didnt u try call JGS(main actor YAB) and a guy. Nampak la ke BFFan nye tu. kikikiki
(v) Birthday wishes from JYH to PSY. They have the same blood type kata mereka and so do their fashion sense. being in the almost same age make u understand lots about other or ur same age and might share some sort of fashion jugak. common.
(vii) The special thing is CNBLUE follow all CN members in twitter + PSY. tetibe ade ? why? cuz he once said that PSY is like another CNBLUE member. comel.
(viii) Their frenship was real la. yg feeling deep inside tu only them know. but its a good thing to see that PSY is actually being love by lots of people around. Might be dier ni jenis baik dan peramah.
(8) In episode running man 121 PSY shoot tapi JYH tak main pun tapi gamba tweet yg fans diorg reveal kan tu sebijik hidung JYH . Well as a bff kena la support each other, kalau x sape lagi. Its a good thing pasal JYH ni dier take frenship seriously.

(9) They are weird bff sbb being to clingy to each other . always holding hands and lend shoulder. brother and sisterhood gamak nye. Like this

(10) Diorg ni supportive sbb each other keep support, CN BLUE concert mest PSY pegi siap duduk sebelah JYH omuni. hehe sho shweet . well take it from the positive side la. And even masa perform JYH lebih energetic and cheerful bile ade PSY. she seems like her backbone and PSY ni caring org nye masa JYH drench in sweet dier dok kipas2 kasi cool down. Who would not sacrifice if u have that kind of caring fren . aite? ;)
(11) There's a lot of sweet and mysterious fact which their fans brought up macam PSY suka laki katang2 mcm won bin, tetibe si JYH pegi mengkatangkan badan untuk future GF . yg ni la mcm pelik. maybe he tend look at all girl suka tough guy based on his bff ideal man. kot.
(12) Diorg selalu kakaotalk together . based on them sendiri. kalau kat sini org gune whatsapp or viber. kakao tu kat negara diorg je .
(13) fans PSY and JGS try kenenkan diorg tapi PSY cuma kata JGS as abang .
when a girl mention a guy abang, he is really abang no more than that. She will easily tease around and kacau2 abang dia tu. that kind of feels exist for normal human like us in reality.
tak caya?
have u ever considered one random senior as abang?
u wont cross the border. really.
and when a girl even say a guy is their frens, it depends if there ever have draw the frenzone line or not. If a girl really did, then a guy have no chance to win her heart. Cuz fren actually have bigger meaning. Love is love, u might say u love ur crush randomly but to say u love ur fren mean different and its a different way of love . Tak sama macam crush love. Fren love bertahan sampai till the end of ur frenship. U care for them , u know their weakness and emotion at times, u know them in and out more than ur lover did. Unless u've falling for ur frens or best fren. :)
That's all from me, apa2 pun janji diorg bahagia sudah. kang diorg nak kawin diorg bagi tau satu industry tak yah risau. And yet i find out my eager talent , boleh jadi researcher sejati. I read a lot of post thru google and watch a lot of fan vid and fan cam sebab nak tengok sendiri before conclude kan diorg punya relationship ni.
dah byebye.
Ni la JYH CN Blue :D To be honest they play such a good music and well blend to my ear .
untuk maklumat lanjut peminat tegar yong hwa check it out :
photosource : Yongshin evidence
Salam. Wah... fee dah jadi peminat Yonghwa eh... hehehe!! I recommend you to watch k-drama "Nine: Nine Times time travel". So far the best 'thrilling' drama of the year... :)
hehehe kak ruzz, tau xpe . thanks for suggestion :D tgh cuti2 ni boleh la tgk :D
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