
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller”

Monday, July 11, 2011

can i ?

Can i always being a child ?
i mean small kid who run free, play free without ever have to think . think of this and that . how hard this life was . think of what i wanna be in future and what will going to be in future .

as according to wikipedia , Biologically, a child (plural: children) is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. Mostly, a child is a human being below the age of eighteen.

a kid just laugh out loud . when they didnt get something they wish for they'll cry and hoping that everyone around them will give what they want . ahhh so easy !
people were everywhere to care for you .

as growing older , i have to think and force my self to think .
got problem to be solved . and face the problem wasn't easy too but i have no other choice than facing it through . no matter how hard .

wanted to laugh everyday, but must find what thing can help to laugh , funny movies work! hahaha that is why i love maharaja lawak . Cuz that is one of the thing that help me. Tak kan nak nangis tiba2 rite ? some will think u are crazy! haha
or even marah tak tentu pasal, tu memang mental problem lah pulak :DD

emotion of a growing teenagers always up and down . Today we laugh, but tomorrow ? something await us to be solved . get stress , being dissappointed and etc .

and the most frequent now is heart get hurts . So easily .
Last time i said i wish to left my jantung somewhere, this time i wanna leave my heart somewhere . So that whatever i face, whatever i read, i see or i hear will get no effect on me . Heartless maybe ?

i know i have a lot of not reasonable wishes on my list .

p/s: i guess this super long holiday cause me to think this and that and too much of it, i need my busy life back .

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